Workshop on Reproductive Biotechnology in Flatfish Species: Trends in Breeders’ Management

Registrations for the 5th edition of the Workshop on Reproductive Biotechnology in Flatfish Species: Trends in Breeders’ Management are now open. ? 7-9th February 2024 ?University of Algarve Experts from A2S, Benjamin Costas, Marina Machado and Lourenço Ramos-Pinto, will take you by the hand to dive into less-invasive fish welfare evaluation techniques The workshop will be held…

AQUACOMBINE Project Wraps Up

In November, the AQUACOMBINE consortium celebrated the conclusion of its ground-breaking project during a final conference in Esbjerg. The event was as a platform to share the project’s achievements with a diverse audience, offering attendees a unique chance to explore the biomass processing demonstration at Aalborg University and the combined aquaculture and Salicornia cultivation demonstration…

EVENT Marine Bivalves Cultivation: challenges for the health of the species

The cultivation of marine bivalves faces increasing challenges due to climate change, which has a significant impact on the immune and specific systems, resulting in the emergence of diseases that negatively affect production. It was recently discovered that these organisms are affected by a type of cancer unique in nature that is contagious both between…

Benjamin Costas invited to present the IGNITION project at the EEA event

On October 17th, Benjamin Costas, coordinator of the IGNITION project, delivered a presentation at the midterm event of the EEA Grants Blue Growth Program. Despite IGNITION being a Horizon Europe project, it was featured in the event to showcase its significant contribution to the advancement of sustainable practices within the Blue Growth Programme. In his…

We’re hiring a BsC technician!

We’re looking for BSc  to support our team in fish rearing trials, samples collection and lab processing; culture and identification of pathogenic bacteria; sample processing; data processing and statistical analysis as well as report writing. The candidate will also assist on results dissemination The work will be carried out at the Animal Health and Aquaculture…